How To Win In Roulette Online Casino

Roulette holds quite the sway over players across the world. It is often featured in pop culture and movies and let’s face it, roulette is one of the best-known forms of gambling around the world and it certainly has a lot of class, with the roulette wheel the very symbol of gambling to so many people in so many cultures.

  1. How To Cheat Online Casino Roulette
  2. Best Slot Machines To Win On
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Playing online roulette has become very popular and as we have grown more accustomed to playing roulette online from the comforts of our homes, we’ve also begun to wonder, how can we beat the casinos at their own game and how do we win at online roulette?

We take a look at some of the best strategies to end the supreme reigns of your favorite casino table game.

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Understanding Roulette

Before you even consider how to win and how to increase your chances of winning at this great game, you will need to understand a few fundamental factors for online and casino-based roulette games:

If you wonder how to win roulette casino and make big winnings, here is the answer. Play your favorite table and apply the strategy. Only in this way, you will have a chance to trigger some winnings as well to earn big. Make sure to choose European roulette for more chances.

  • Understand the safest bet
  • Learn more about the different versions of the game
  • Get practical and applicable advice on how to be successful in roulette
  • Win more than ever before

Winning at Online Roulette: The Basics

To develop successful winning strategies for online roulette, you first need to understand what the game is. Strategies for simple games such as slots are much simpler to understand that a more complex game like roulette.

It’s more than a ball that madly spins around a wheel covered in red and black sections; there’s logic behind it all and we’re here to explain it. Roulette is a game of chance, but luck hasn’t got much to do with how successful you are overall.

Players get the opportunity to put wagers, or ‘bets’ on an individual number, a group of numbers, or a selection of special wagers.


Depending on the version of the roulette game, the wheel can feature between 37 and 38 numbers, from 1-36, including a 0 and a 00 (‘double zero’) in the American game.

Payouts are determined based on the outcome of a ball that is spun around the wheel. When the ball lands, you know whether or not you have won. There are several types of wagers you can place, including, but not limited to:

  • Inside Bets (placed on a number or groups of numbers)
  • Outside Bets (odd/even, red/black, 1-18/19-36)

The best payouts in roulette tend to be on the Inside Bets, but you will need to understand that the chance of hitting an Inside Bet is much slimmer compared to the Outside Bets, which are up to 50%, depending on the version of online roulette you are playing.

Outside Bets are truly your best friends. It’s not surprising that the majority of winning and successful strategies in roulette have been developed to be used on Outside Wagers exclusively.

Online Roulette: The House Edge

There are actual strategies that will increase your chances of winning and you will do well to brush up on them.

If you stick to Outside Bets, your chances will be almost 50%. The slight variation depends upon the 0 and 00, assuming you’re enjoying yourself in the American version of the game. Hence, there may be slightly varying payout rates (let’s call them the ‘house edge’ to get used to the jargon here) based on the version of the game, such as:

  • French Roulette – 1.35% or 2.70%*
  • European Roulette – 2.70%
  • American Roulette – 5.26 – 7.89%

*The French version comes with two special rules that can help you get even more profit out of yourspins!

American Roulette is clearly the one version that will challenge you the most when it comes to winning big. Some players still prefer to stick with it as they love the thrill of uncertainty.

Using Gambling Strategies to Defeat Online Roulette

Unlike most casino games, you can use actual strategies to play against the house. All of these strategies have been proven to work at least to some extent in the short to mid-term, but they struggle in the long run, because the slight house advantage you will have to deal with every time you spin the ball. This applies to all forms of roulette online and at a casino.

With a bit of foresight, you can easily work yourself a good profit and then stop while you are ahead. If you insist on sticking to a strategy in roulette, we would recommend:

  • Martingale
  • Fibonacci
  • Labouchere

Martingale Strategy

All strategies have their quirks and their pitfalls. Martingale for example relies on very small progression; you bet the same amount until you’ve lost at which point you double your bet and keep doubling until you’ve won back all your losses.

How To Cheat Online Casino Roulette

The idea here is that you will keep doubling your bets and when you win, you will simply recuperate your losses. It’s really like chasing your losses a bit though. The danger here is that you might hit the table limit before you win back what you’ve lost.

Fibonacci Strategy

With the Fibonacci roulette strategy you will need to remember or just reference to a sequence of numbers:

1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610 – 987

The rules are simple. Each number is the resulting amount from the previous two numbers, so it’s rather easy to grasp and there are several interpretations of the sequence. However, you must always use it with Outside Bets and start with a lower sum, just like you would do with Martingale.

To profit, you will need to win on the first bet. If you don’t and keep playing, you will have to win by the third spin; if you succeed, you will break even, but if you keep losing after the third spin, you will then not be able to recuperate your losses. At this point, it’s worth starting all over or picking another strategy.

If you win on your first bet, just start again. If you are down the sequence and get a win, just move two numbers back. Fibonacci is a negative progression system, which is slightly scarier to play, but it seems to be a popular one.

Labouchere Strategy

To play Labouchere, you will need to have a piece of paper with you. Write any sequence of numbers you like. For example, we stuck with something simple:


Each bet you make should be equal to the sum total of the first and last number in the sequence, in this case 1+3 = $4. If you win, you cross off the numbers. If you lose, you add the sum total of the first and last number to the sequence, so you will get 1+3 = 4:


If you win your first bet and you are left with one number, just stake that, i.e. $2. If you win the $2 wager, write down a new sequence and start over. Labouchere is easy and fun to play with. Also, if you lose the $2, you will need to add it to the sequence:

2 – 2

This means that your next wager will be $4 and so on.

Practical Tips at Beating the Casino House at Roulette

It’s time to flesh out some general tips for roulette that will come in handy. There are quite a few considerations to take into account here, so let’s get started:

  • Stick to the outside bets – Every time we’ve discussed a successful strategy, we’ve recommended the outside bets. They offer the smallest variation, which is welcome for a steady and successful play
  • Choose French or European Roulette – Shaving off some of the house edge, such as those 00s is always welcome and by sticking with these two versions of the game, you will give yourself a slight boost
  • Study the betting strategies – Make sure to test if the betting strategies we’ve recommended will work for you. Most people start with Martingale or Labouchere as they find it to be the most novice-friendly
  • Keep an eye out for new versions – There are quite a few versions of roulette, so make sure you always at least check out what new versions offer in terms of gameplay and of course, payout rates
  • Make sure you are winning – Your wins will be measured in the amount you have managed to contribute to your bankroll at the end of your gaming session. Curious to see how it all works out? Just make sure you put a small % of every successful spin aside and don’t use that money to play. This way you are guaranteeing yourself some nominal profit or recompense even if no big results materialise
  • Stick to the best operators – Playing with a reputable casino should be a top priority. Always stick to the casinos that are known for their customer-focused approach and untarnished reputation and good name.

This advice may seem simple, but it’s the crux of any successful strategy. Combining your knowledge and understanding of the game with these simple practices will certainly show you how to win at online roulette in no time.

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In a separate post on the subject of roulette, I discussed the ins and outs of roulette strategy and the importance of knowing what works and what doesn’t. As we discovered, well-known roulette strategies such as the Martingale can be a fun way to engage with the game and structure your bets, but they should never be considered as a serious approach, as they do not work in the long run.

Rather, the most important things to keep in mind when forming your roulette strategy are the rules of the game and the difference between different roulette variations, as these directly impact your odds of winning.

Meanwhile, you should be doing whatever you can to reduce the house edge so that it is as low as possible, as this means that you should lose less in the long run. Once you have these basic tenets of your roulette strategy nailed down, you can start looking at different ways to try and win a game of roulette.

For this, you have come to the right place. Read on for my expert’s guide on the things you can do to help win at roulette.

Choose the right table

This one really does bear repeating, as it is one of the most important tips for winning roulette. There are many different roulette variants out there, each of which with a different house edge. As a player, your goal is to find the table with the lowest house edge, as this represents your highest chances of winning. Let’s break this down properly.

  • French roulette: this is the table with the best house edge – the single ‘zero’ reduces the edge to just 2.7%, while the la partage rule can lower the edge further to a mere 1.35%.
  • European roulette: with one zero, European roulette also has a 2.7% house edge, although it does not often have the la partage rule.
  • American roulette: this Las Vegas variant has two zeros, giving a higher house edge of 5.26%.
  • Triple Zero roulette: this is a roulette wheel with three zeros, which pushes the house edge up to an eye-watering 7.69%. Do not play this one.

Don’t count on roulette strategies

I can’t really stress this one enough. Do not listen to those YouTube videos that claim to have discovered a betting strategy that cannot fail, as you will end up losing your money. One of the roulette winning tips I can always count on is that famous roulette ‘strategies’ such as Martingale or d’Alembert, which require you to adjust your subsequent bet after each win or loss, do not work any better than placing random bets. Granted, they can be a fun way to structure your wagers, but they will always leave you out of pocket if you rely on them.

Set your limits

One of the best tips for playing roulette is to set hard limits on yourself. Before you enter the casino, figure out exactly what you want to spend per spin and what you are willing to lose before you get up and leave the game.

Budget an exact amount to spend on your roulette session and do not go over it. If Lady Luck kicks your ass and you blow your budget, it’s time to log out or get up and leave the casino. It’s important to remember that casino gaming is entertainment and that your bankroll is your budget for that entertainment. Sticking to this will help you avoid losing an entire paycheck in one sitting.

Pay attention to spins per hour

Spins per hour are absolutely essential when forming any roulette strategy, as this will massively affect your bankroll. Remember, in a land-based casino, you will typically only get 60 spins of the roulette wheel per hour. However, online casinos allow you to wager on as many as 300 spins per hour. In this kind of fast-paced environment, it can be easy to lose track of your spending.

It’s simple mathematics. Let’s say you play 60 spins per hour, at $100 per spin, on a table with a 5.26% house edge. That would mean you lose $5.26 every spin. At 60 spins per hour, that’s a loss of $315 per hour. However, at 300 spins per hour, you lose $1,578 per hour, which is way more.

Leave while you’re up

It is essential to know when to cut your losses and get out. Don’t get complacent just because you’re on a winning streak, as this tends to be the downfall of even the greatest roulette players.

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Ideally, you should leave the table as soon as you are up, as you have already beat the house. Do not follow those roulette strategies that tell you to up your bets when you are up, as you will quickly lose everything. Always quit when you are ahead.

Let’s walk through an example. Let’s say you started your roulette round with $100 and you’re now up to $250. At this point, I would give the dealer $200 in chips in exchange for two black $100 chips. Once I have these, they would stay in my pocket, meaning that I will leave the casino with double my money no matter what. The remaining $50 I would be able to wager freely at the roulette table without worrying about ending up in the red. A simple strategy like this will ensure that you can always quit when you’re ahead.

Beware the Gambler’s Fallacy

In roulette, the gambler’s fallacy is the common delusion that what is going to happen next at the roulette table is somehow based on your past numbers. Drop this now. The beauty of roulette is that it is truly random and that the previous spin of the wheel has no bearing whatsoever on your next result. Each spin is a fresh start. Let’s say you are running outside bets on red and the last 10 spins have all come up black. You might be thinking that red is well overdue and that it’s time to wager on that. However, the likelihood of red coming up is still the exact same as the likelihood of black. Don’t fall for the gambler’s fallacy.

By following these expert roulette tips, you can enjoy safe and fun gaming at more favourable odds. Remember this next time you are at the roulette table.

Did you know?

Did you know that there’s an inverse of the gambler’s fallacy? Instead of assuming that something must be likely to happen because it hasn’t done so for a while, Ian Hacking proposed the opposite. If you walk into a room and see something unlikely happen, people (wrongly) think it’s the first time it’s happened because it’s so unlikely.

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Heather Ferris is the CEO & Founder of Vegas Aces, with over 15 years of experience in the casino industry. She’s also an adjunct professor at UNLV, as well as a table games consultant. Heather has been writing articles and making videos about the casino industry for a decade and her marketing business helps new table game inventors break into the industry.