Poker Dice Rules

Unless the game rules state otherwise, aces can only be low in a straight of A-2-3-4-5. The objective of Poker Dice game is to roll best possible poker hand using 5 six-sided dice.Special poker dice with playing card representations (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, and 9 in high to low order) are also available to play this game.

Dice game rules are often easy and quick to learn. That's one of the reasons that dice games are some of the oldest games ever played. They go as far back as 3000 B.C. in ancient Egypt and probably even further!

The great thing about dice games is that you only need dice to play. Sure there are easy dice games out there like 'Yahtzee!' that have a cup to roll them with, but there are plenty that require nothing more than a pair of dice.

Also wonderful is the sheer convenience of these games. Dice are cheap. You can use some from an old board game, or buy a bag of 200 different kinds at any gaming store. They're easy to get and often cost almost nothing.

Secondly, dice are portable. A pair of dice in your pocket and you're ready to play hundreds of games. All it takes is learning the rules and that's what we're here for!

People often think dice games are just for adults, but kids can have a lot of fun with these, too! There are plenty of easy dice games for children out there. I spent many, many days playing 'Yahtzee!' with my grandmother and it's one of my favorite memories of our time together. Learning the dice game rules also help kids practice their math as many games require addition and subtraction to be used.

So what are you waiting for? If you are having trouble trying to figure out what to play on family game night, whip out some dice and try one of these games, you won’t be disappointed!

  • Going to Boston This is a fun family game that can be learned quickly.
  • High Rollers A game that came from a game show!
  • Poker Dice This is a game with specilized dice, but familiar rules.
  • Three or more A nice simple game that can be a lot of fun.
  • Yahtzee This game is always a classic.
  • Zilch Dice Game - One of my all time favorites!

Poker Rules: Poker is one of the most popular card games around.

The game became popular because of its television exposure including attention from celebrities.

If you are interested in joining the fun, learning poker is easy.

The following sections will guide you through the basic poker rules.

Understanding how the game works will help you adapt to other variations easily.

Also read: Poker Hands: Should You Have Favorites?


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Understanding the Basics

Poker usually deals with a standard 4-suit 52-card deck.

The ace often plays high though there are instances it can get low. You can add a joker or other wild cards.

During the showdown, remaining players will compare their hands based on the hand rankings. Suits cannot break ties including cards after the fight.

Only the best five cards for each hand can also be used for comparison. If there is a tie, players with winning hands split the pot.

Poker Dice Rules

Wildcards can open a spot for another hand, five of a kind. The hand is often higher compared to a straight flush.

If there is a joker, you can only use it to complete a flush or straight. You can also use it as an ace.

A joker cannot be used as a true wild card.

Learn more: How To Play Poker

Learning poker rules Hand Variations

You can win your way to a poker game once you get the hang of poker hand variations.

The person who takes home the pot has the highest-valued hand.

Your goal is to get the highest possible hand.

It is impossible to win a game without knowing the poker hand variations. The variations tell you at what advantage you may have over other players.

If no one has a winning hand or there are two players with a similar hand (for example full houses), the pot goes to the player with the highest valued card.

In this case, the ace is the highest. One way to learn the variations is to print out a ranking of poker hands. This can help you memorize important combinations faster.

poker rules: Chipping In

Place a token bet or an “ante” (pronounced ant-ee) in the pot.


You can find the pot in the center of the table normally.

Some players take it literally and place a pot in the middle for everyone to bet. All players pitch in equal amounts of the bet.

Currencies can range from nickels, poker chips, car keys and bills among others.

The winner takes all of the pot.

poker rules: Dealing or Losing

After showing or shuffling, the dealer hands out the cards face down beginning with the player on the immediate left.

Cards are handed out continuously clockwise.

Poker dice rules

You get one card at a time until the dealer completes the round giving everyone one five cards.

The deck is placed back in the center of the table.

Witcher Dice Poker Rules

Also check out: Poker Rule You Need To Remember Else You Die (Or Go Broke)

poker rules: Studying Your Cards

Everyone will get a chance to look at their cards for a moment.

Check if you have a strong hand or not. Beginners often end up revealing how strong their hand is.

Liars Poker Dice Rules

This is called a tell.

Be careful of the following giveaway hints other players look for in a beginner: lack or extreme eye contract, shallow breathing and flexing facial muscles among others.

Make sure you show little of these as possible. This will give an upper hand when playing. Practice your “poker face.” The better you are at doing poker face, the better chances you can win the poker game.

poker rules: Taking Turns

The first player to do the call is often the player on the left of the dealer – the first player to be dealt with.

Polish poker with dice rules

The first player can either place the first bet (open the game) or pass the turn to the next player (check). Once a player opens the pot, other players can bet specific amounts of currency.

All players who already took their turns can choose to:

  • See or call – continue playing the game by betting an equivalent currency in the pot
  • Fold – quit the game. You simply place your cards face down on the tablet. Your bet stays on the pot.

After all the players decided, everyone left with a turn will have the two mentioned options plus the choice to make a raise. A raise means you continue playing in the game by betting more than what the previous player placed in the pot.

Dice Poker Rules Witcher 2

If a player raises, everyone who took their turns already should fold or see again. The next player takes his or her turn.

Also a good read: Poker For Dummies Review

poker rules: Learning How to Draw

Once all players finished their turns (including those who checked), take out three cards you do not want. Replace them with new ones. This also happens in turns as well. The player on the left of the dealer starts the exchange with everyone taking turns in clockwise.

Remove the cards you think will not help in getting a winning hand. You can also keep all three or replace all. If you want to replace the cards, put them face down on the table. Make sure no one sees what they are.

You will also go through another set of betting. Like before, the player on the dealer’s left will open or check. The check may continue until another player opens.

Once a player opens, other players can raise, see or fold. You will also notice more people will choose to fold if they think their weak hand is not up to the bet.

poker rules: Exposing Your cards

Everyone show their hand by turning the cards over.

The player with the highest value will take the pot.

Playing poker is not as hard as it sounds.

It may sound confusing at first but play it sometimes will also help you familiarize the rules. Try to observe how other seasoned players do it.

Taking cues from those learning for a very long time can also be a good experience.

You should also learn the art of bluffing. It is also one of the essential skills in poker.

Knowing how not give away your hand can give you winnings.

Dice Poker Rules Michaud Toys

Also read: The 6 Best Poker Starting Hands You Must Know About